Naked Alchemy is our signature transformative program designed to help you create a deeper relationship with yourself and others from an authentic soul level.

Do you want to better connect to your authentic soul self?
Are you ready to uplevel your communication & relationship skills?

Do you find yourself in cycles of numbing to avoid facing & healing your past?

Do you find that you lose yourself in relationships feeling like you
give all of yourself & the people that you're with are draining?

Are you in a relationship but feeling alone?

Have you gone months or years without being intimate with your partner?

Do you want to build a relationship based on connection, better communication
and deeper intimacy where both partners feel valued & validated?

Naked Alchemy is a safe space to get curious

about yourself, go deep, have fun, be playful,

be vulnerable on deeper level to heal old patterns that are holding you back from living your best life!

Oasis of Healing Spa Salt Room Salt Cave Photo

Get ready for new levels of Intimacy


Whether you pray, meditate, or orgasm, your brain lights up in the same place.

It's our responsibility to inner-stand how our body works and to create

sensual experiences that bring us joy, peace, and emotional connection

that feels nourishing and delicious!

Now is the time to heal your relationship

with your past, your body, your emotions

so that you can move forward with

more confidence & connection

in all areas of your life!

What Naked Alchemy Includes:

  • 1 Initial Consultation call with Christine Cardoza (online or at our Waterloo salt spa)

  • Personalized Birthchart Reading along w/Life Path Numerology w/printable & recording

  • 20 personal calls or visits with Christine (can be split with a partner)

  • Self study videos & worksheets each week

  • Live Group call online Tuesdays 7:00 pm to learn natural body language

  • Bonus: Body map from German New Medicine Emotional body and inner conflict resolution

  • Bonus: Chakra Healing workbook for inner healing

Over 6-12 months we will explore:

Module 1: Who are You? Pattern Awareness

In this module you will:

Set the intention for what you want to clear out and bring in during our time together.

Practice Breathing tools for trauma release & emotional regulation

Learn muscle testing confidence

 Masculine/Feminine energy (e-motions are energy in motion) 

Module 2: Body Language Communication Styles

In this module we will explore:
Frequency & the Emotional Ladder -processing bigger upsets (shame, guilt, grief, fear) 

Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn(people pleasing) or F*%k(using sex/substance as coping method) Food, FOMO, & Addictions 

Attachment - Avoidant or Anxious - knowing your own patterns, witnessing it in others

How to create new coping methods to heal codependency or unhealthy avoidance patterns

Module 3: Intimacy - Conscious Connection

In this module we will dive into:

 Self connection tools to reconnect to your natural body (in-to-me-see) 

Healing Mother/Father/Boss wound and tools on how to process painful experiences 

Safe vulnerability & honest open relationship pros and cons 

Inner confidence, sacred surrender

Give and Receive communication tools

Body image & de-programming old beliefs 

6 Stages of a Relationship - observing and not absorbing other's emotions

Module 4: Sacred Sexuality

Soul Sex

In this module we will explore:

Conscious Breath to create ecstasy naturally without substance

Monthly cycles for Men and Women (saves relationships!)

The Law of Rhythm - breathwork for panic or passion

Your Erotic Blueprint (bedroom love languages)

Bedroom language, discovery, and soft kink

Video explaining more about Naked Alchemy.

Click on fire image below

"Naked Alchemy has changed my life in many way. Through Naked Alchemy I am doing the work, the deeper shadow work that is helping me connect to my higher self, while at the same time helping me connect to my Feminine side which has been a struggle for me; but I didn't even know until I started doing the work. I just want to say thank you for helping me become the best version of myself. "

- Vanessa NYC

Pricing & Payment Options for 20 sessions

Email for payment plan questions

Pay in Full

One time payment of $4800.00 CAD

paid prior to first session

Pay Deposit + 5 Payments

Pay deposit of $2,100.00 CAD prior to first session

  • + 5 additional monthly payments of $550.00 CAD